When you look at the image to the left, what do you see? A question mark, a dancing figure, a mystery, the psi symbol, a spiritual supplication?

Like all symbols, it carries the meaning of all that it represents. When it appeared many years ago in a dream, it engaged me in a passionate inquiry, a living conversation between the little “i” (ego) and the big “I” (Self) which enfolds it. This inquiry has shaped both my personal and professional life over the last 25 years.

My life passions have continuously morphed from an early love of ballet, to an interest in the body as a vehicle for the movement of Life, to a captivation with the transformations of meaning, thoughts, and behaviours. This interest in the many different aspects of the body/psyche has been with me since my earliest days.

When writing my doctoral dissertation in 1976 I was besought by a sing-song like rhyme that took up residence in my thoughts day and night: “My life is a continuous inquiry into the illusions I call reality.” As it circled through me, it’s melody inspired me to study a wide variety of approaches to understanding and healing the body and psyche.

It sparked a fascination with the process of discovery itself. I began to find that by living life as a journey of inquiry, every experience, no matter how challenging, had some place of belonging and some value. This inquiry revealed the perfection of any and every experience that life brought my way. My passion shifted from the end-goal of finding answers, to the process of inquiry itself. My journey became my destination; my goals were realized as by-products of inquiry rather than achievements to be attained. This passion was the seed from which blossomed the work I now call “Living Inquiry.”

To this day, I continue to be fascinated, humbled, and honored to participate in the process of updating “realities.” I love discovering how, through gentle curiosity, old beliefs and patterns fall away, revealing deeper truths about our own uniqueness as well as our intrinsic belonging to the entire Mystery of Life.

I watch with awe as the Wisdom of the Self brings forth new solutions to current “problems” and new realities to former illusions about self, other, world, or God. From this expanded identity, we begin to see new avenues for living; we experience more choice, more freedom, and more joy in being our ever-evolving selves. Far more than a psychotherapeutic modality, Living lnquiry is a way of life that I love to live and to share.

Professional Background

I have studied a wide variety of therapeutic modalities over almost 5 decades. All of these have in some way informed my work. If you are curious about what and where I’ve studied, you can click the tabs in the menu below for a plethora of details.

Formal Training

  • 1971: B.A .Washington University St Louis
  • 1969-1970: Hebrew University, Jerusalem Israel
  • 1973: M.A. Existential Phenomenological Clinical Psychology, Duquesne University Masters Thesis: A Phenomenological Approach to Autism
  • 1977: Ph.D Psychology, The Union Institute, Dissertation: Security: The Illusion and the Reality, An Exploration of how Humans Lose Their Original Harmonious Flow and how to Get It Back
  • 1982: Jung Institute, Zurich, Switzerland
  • 1978-1983: Intensive Jungian Training Analysis with Jungian Analyst, John H. Laney Ph.D
  • 1982-2013: Studied with Emilie Conrad, founder of Continuum Movement. Authorized by Emilie to create a synthesis of Continuum and Psychology in 1990.
  • 2015-2016: Apprenticeship with Kristopher Martin D.C. in Higher Brain Healing

Work Experience

  • 1972-present: Private Practice
  • 1973-1977: Clinical Director of various Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Programs. Job included design and building of clinical programs
  • 1978: Director of Kinship Services - a program for helping families in crises.
  • 1978-1988: Psychologist, Lecturer for Meadowlark Holistic Health Center (first residential Holistic Health Center in U.S.)
  • 1982-1984: Clinic Director and Director of Training: Center for the Healing Arts (a healing center for cancer patients and their families). Job included program design and implementation of training for masters and doctoral interns as well as running the clinic.
  • Served as field faculty, adjunct faculty, and clinical supervisor in a number of graduate school programs. Also served as a training specialist for the National Institute of Drug Abuse.
  • 1990-present: Founder/Creator of Living Inquiry

Professional Background

I have studied a wide variety of therapeutic modalities over almost 5 decades. All of these have in some way informed my work. If you are curious about what and where I’ve studied, you can click the tabs in the menu below for a plethora of details.

Formal Training

  • 1971: B.A .Washington University St Louis
  • 1969-1970: Hebrew University, Jerusalem Israel
  • 1973: M.A. Existential Phenomenological Clinical Psychology, Duquesne University Masters Thesis: A Phenomenological Approach to Autism
  • 1977: Ph.D Psychology, The Union Institute, Dissertation: Security: The Illusion and the Reality, An Exploration of how Humans Lose Their Original Harmonious Flow and how to Get It Back
  • 1982: Jung Institute, Zurich, Switzerland
  • 1978-1983: Intensive Jungian Training Analysis with Jungian Analyst, John H. Laney Ph.D
  • 1982-2013: Studied with Emilie Conrad, founder of Continuum Movement. Authorized by Emilie to create a synthesis of Continuum and Psychology in 1990.
  • 2015-2016: Apprenticeship with Kristopher Martin D.C. in Higher Brain Healing

Work Experience

  • 1972-present: Private Practice
  • 1973-1977: Clinical Director of various Substance Abuse Rehabilitation Programs. Job included design and building of clinical programs
  • 1978: Director of Kinship Services - a program for helping families in crises.
  • 1978-1988: Psychologist, Lecturer for Meadowlark Holistic Health Center (first residential Holistic Health Center in U.S.)
  • 1982-1984: Clinic Director and Director of Training: Center for the Healing Arts (a healing center for cancer patients and their families). Job included program design and implementation of training for masters and doctoral interns as well as running the clinic.
  • Served as field faculty, adjunct faculty, and clinical supervisor in a number of graduate school programs. Also served as a training specialist for the National Institute of Drug Abuse.
  • 1990-present: Founder/Creator of Living Inquiry