Living Inquiry offers a variety of venues for exploring, healing, and transforming our fear-based moments into opportunities for increased freedom, joy, and love. We offer scheduled events through the year and as neither this process, nor Life itself is linear, we also allow for events to arise in a more organic manner.

This inspired-event structure is modeled after a practice I learned from the Native American Church. In this paradigm, any community member is invited to “call a meeting” when s/he feels moved to gather for a specific purpose. The call is for community support in the emerging inquiry. As we inquire together, whether through the body, the co-creative process group, dream ceremony, or ancestral and lineage imprints, we deepen our connection to ourselves, to each other, and to the Grace that guides us.

You can see more information about both types of events below.

Living Inquiry Events

We are honored to host outstanding facilitators in the field of human transformation. All guest leaders have exceptional skills and gifts that are resonant with the philosophy and practice of Living Inquiry. Check schedule below for upcoming events and join the email list to find out about unadvertised events.

JUN 17-21,
Journey Into The Mystery #14:
Blueprint vs Imprint – Separating the Past from the Present
Carole Burstein &
Robert Litman
Maui, HI Robert Litman ~ 206-707-1639
[email protected]
Carole Burstein ~ 808-891-8662
[email protected]
JAN 21-25,
Journey Into The Mystery #13:
The Sacred Journey of Trust
Carole Burstein &
Robert Litman
Maui, HI Robert Litman ~ 206-707-1639
[email protected]
Carole Burstein ~ 808-891-8662
[email protected]
JAN 17-21,
Journey Into The Mystery #10:
Veils of Illusion
Carole Burstein &
Robert Litman
Maui, HI Robert Litman ~ 206-707-1639
[email protected]
Carole Burstein ~ 808-891-8662
[email protected]
MAY 17-19,
Calls from the Void:
An Invitation to the Beyond
Carole Burstein &
Kristopher Martin DC
Kihei, Maui, HI Carole Burstein ~ 808-891-8662
[email protected]
JUN 20-24,
Journey Into The Mystery #11:
Beneath the Veils of Illusion
Carole Burstein &
Robert Litman
Maui, HI Robert Litman ~ 206-707-1639
[email protected]
Carole Burstein ~ 808-891-8662
[email protected]

Journey Into The Mystery #14:
Imprint vs Blueprint

with Carole Burstein and Robert Litman
June 17-21, 2021 ~ Maui, HI

How do we separate the past from the present?
Blueprint and Imprint are the origins from which emanate all of our experiences and actions. Differentiating these two sources can create choice and freedom in every breath we take, every moment of life.
Thoughts, feelings, internal stories, perceptions are shaped either by the soul’s essence (blueprint) or by traumas and wounds (imprints).
In this Journey Into the Mystery, we will explore how to identify these states in our own body/psyches. In the sacred encounter between our past, conditioned by imprints, and the unpatterned, Present (now) permeated by Blueprint, wounds can heal, the brain can rewire, and we can open ourselves and our lives to possibilities, dreams and desires that have not yet manifested.
You are invited to join us on this exciting adventure in embodied consciousness.

For More Information and to Register:
Contact Carole at 808-891-8662 [email protected]

Journey Into The Mystery #13:
The Sacred Journey of Trust

with Carole Burstein and Robert Litman
January 21-25, 2021 ~ Maui, HI

How do we come to trust? What happens when this trust is betrayed?
The feeling of trust gives us some sense of safety and security, it allows us to exhale and lean on some idea or belief or sensation or image around which to organize ourselves. “Trust” hits to the roots of our psycho-physical/spiritual wounds; we trust what we believe has supported us. In the face of any perceived threat, ‘protective programming’ initiated from traumatic wounding, ingeniously informs us and continues to inform us about what and where to trust. Exploring the journey of Trust invites us to explore everything we hold as true, sacred, real, reliable.
Please join us for JTM #13 in which we will dive into the depths of the journey of trust: from trusting ‘blindly’, having blind trust betrayed and being launched on a journey so that we may consciously discover who and what to trust, when and for what.

In these times of global panic and confusion, consciousness about what and where we trust can provide a central core for facing whatever Life brings.

For More Information and to Register:
Contact Carole at 808-891-8662 [email protected]

Journey Into The Mystery #10:
Veils of Illusion

with Carole Burstein and Robert Litman
January 17-21, 2019 ~ Maui, HI

Come journey with us through the portal of paradigm shifting where we delve into the Mystery of truths and “illusions” that underlie the foundations of Being.
This workshop invites us to discover the veils upon illusory veils, unconsciously woven into assumptive beliefs, that protect us from what are not ready to know. What seems in one moment to be an unquestionable life “given” can later reveal itself to be a perspective skewed to insure our survival. Each illusory veil can become a reflective portal that reveal hidden assumptions about life, and our place in it.
The construction of these “veils of illusion” is not pathology; it is the way our species survives. Only when we attain a certain critical mass of comfort, safety and resources in the world, can we begin to challenge, examine and explore the tenets that have unconsciously run our lives.

To register: Contact Carole at 808-891-8662 or [email protected]

Calls from the Void:
An Invitation to the Beyond

with Carole Burstein and Dr. Kristopher Martin
May 17-19, 2019 ~ Maui, HI

Aloha Journeyers,
With the recent transit of Saturn and Pluto into retrograde, there is an invitation that comes from the heavens with these two hard hitting planetary archetypes. These two planets demand much from us as our journey as human beings, and there isn’t much in our lives that isn’t touched by their energy. Currently they’re providing a fertile burial ground for that which no longer serve us, and are acting as a portal to the beyond.
There are forces conspiring in each of our lives to have a direct encounter with the call from the void that is currently being presented in our own body, mind, and psyche.
Are there places consuming you that seem dark, alone, terrifying, and possibly intolerable? Is there some situation that continues to pull you down, as you fail to escape the gravity of its clutches?
Come heed the call.
For More Information and to Register:
Contact Carole at 808-891-8662 [email protected]
or Dr. Martin at [email protected]

Journey Into The Mystery #11:
Beneath the Veils of Illusion

with Carole Burstein and Robert Litman
June 20-24, 2019 ~ Maui, HI

Come journey with us through the portal of paradigm shifting where we delve into the Mystery of truths and “illusions” that underly the foundations of Being.
How do we know what is ‘true’ about ourselves, each other, the world, the Source of Life? How do we access the hidden facts whose cover-up become family patterns handed down from generation to generation? How do we discern truth from illusion?
When we dare to meet the specific assumptions that unconsciously determine our decisions, actions and opinions, those very illusions about life can become portals to an entirely new perspective on all the experiences we humans are capable of accessing.
In this workshop we will learn to sift through the mechanisms of our meaning-making to discover the revelatory truths that enable us to shift from the consensual good/bad/right/wrong paradigm rooted in fear, to the love-based paradigm of resonance.
JTM workshops are, in fact, trainings – (way-showing). The workshop is the Laboratory for exploring, discovering, practicing new skills in a safe container…and then we take it all out into the wild, uncontained chaos of Life.
In this 11th Journey into the Mystery we will be reviewing, building upon and deepening skills for using ANY moment of life’s circumstance as a portal for transforming suffering into a meaningful, purposeful, valuable experience. This results in an ability to navigate whatever life brings us with more agency, responsibility, ease and joy.
To Register: Contact Carole at 808-891-8662 or [email protected]

Calling a Meeting

If you would like to call a meeting, first decide which type of meeting you would like to call from the options on the list below and then click the “Call a Meeting” button. You will be redirected to an email so so you can contact me directly with the request.

Please write me at [email protected] if you would like to be kept in the loop about these gathering and I will be sure to include you in the Living Inquiry mailings.

  • Co-creative Process Group

    We gather to meet in radical honesty, to share and cross pollinate the web of our individual and collective processes of transformation. Here we practice interacting from a paradigm of wholeness and resonance. Meetings can be called when any community member is facing difficult challenges, crises, or celebratory landmarks. These groups offer support for our ’birthing edges’ to guide us to the next step in our journey.

  • Living Inquiry Constellation

    These meetings use dreamtime consciousness to explore the “knowing field” of whatever issue inspired the gathering. Together we descend into the non-linear world of image, dream, and imagination to access information and healing.

  • Living Body Inquiry

    Inquiring through sensation, sound, breath, and image, we dive into the Mystery of ourselves. In the silent felt world where the language is multi-sensory listening, we hear the soul’s whispers that answer our deepest prayers.

  • PALI Ceremony

    For those who desire a ceremonial approach into the Mystery of personal human inquiry, we gather for an intensive immersion into the depths. These evening events call on the darkness of night to lead us below the threshold of waking consciousness.