Living Inquiry is a specific approach to living the wholeness of ourselves and of Life itself. Like life, Living Inquiry is at once practical, embodied, spiritual, and psychological. Honoring the multidimensionality of “truth” and ”reality,” we inquire into our essential fundamental natures. Levels and layers of primal truth and reality continuously reveal themselves through the process of inquiry.
At the core of Living Inquiry is the experience of an intelligent field of wholeness that is behind everything we call life. When we are connected to this, our individual lives have flow, meaning, and purpose.
Each service offered by Living Inquiry is a way to access this Innate Coherence in every aspect of our lives. Their aim is to facilitate a shift from living from our culture-bound paradigms based in fear, to a paradigm rooted in wholeness and resonance, based in Love. Living Inquiry is a way of life.
We start from the premise that whatever we are experiencing at this moment, what is happening both externally and internally, is being called forth to help us expand beyond our habitual limitations. Each of the Living Inquiry Services offers a different avenue to explore our present experience whether through conversation, through sound, or through touch and movement. Entering through one of these doorways, we dive into our depths by noticing what is affecting us. In this realm, comfort and discomfort are equally informative. Taking cues from thought, feeling, image, sensation, and breath, we plumb the profundities of our inner world. With guidance, we swim in these waters until Grace delivers some shift of perspective, an insight, an increased sense of wholeness, a well being that tells us that our inquiry is complete.
Through engaging in this process, we learn to navigate the stresses, physical and emotional pains, and challenges that are fundamental to the human condition. By nurturing this attitude of inquiry, our resistance to life melts and we discover that these obstacles can serve as portals to transform fear and limitation into a life of greater freedom and joy.
As we gently return to the reality of the three-dimensional world, there is often a sense of aliveness, of more choice, and inner peace.
You can click on any of the portals below to find out more information about our specific services.