In this application of constellation work, we inquire into living patterns and issues that are “constellating” in the present by relating through our body sensations to what is being embodied and transmitted from the greater “knowing field.”
Largely influenced by Bert Hellinger’s Family Systems Constellation work, this method invites us to explore ourselves and our current “concern” or “issue” as a piece of the larger puzzle of our family lineage. The ancestral imprints that are handed down from generation to generation often cast shadows which obstruct us from feeling free to express and fulfill our own individual heart’s desires.
Similarly, feeling the support of those who preceded us allows for a greater sense of belonging to ourselves, to our lives, and to the larger picture of our personal and collective humanity.
Information can be revealed through the use of sand-tray technology as well as other forms of representation. Living Inquiry Constellations also involve the use of representation for purposes of decision-making and investigating pragmatic matters of daily life.
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If you would like to explore this type of work, click here to get in touch with me.